1/4 Collet Pencil Holder for CNC Router
This is a spring loaded collet pencil holder I made to use with my Onefinity CNC. I wanted to be able to draw the profile on high end wood items to make sure I was happy with the toolpath before switching to the router bit. Used a .02 depth in my software and 15 IPM to draw with the pencil. Use settings to your desire. Keep in mind, too much pressure and the pencil may wear down to fast. I just wanted a light line. You will need to source the spring and the .25 rod. The rod is a press fit. Tolerances are tight so you may need to resize or lightly sand to get items to fit. (Springs) SP 9706 Spring Mechanical Compression Spring Stainless Steel Extension Spring, 1/2-inch by 1-1/2-inch (6): Amazon.com: Industrial & Scientific (.25 Rod) Amazon.com: 1/4" Diameter, 304 Stainless Steel Round Rod, 12 Inch Length, Extruded, 0.25 inch Dia : Industrial & Scientific