Nerf Stryfe Talon Mag Adaptor set
This is a kit to convert a Nerf Stryfe to work with Worker Talon mags. Designed to work around the standard Talon mag adaptors ( The pusher is a custom length to work with the mag adaptor, and feeds well - I have yet to experience any jams. There is a little cleanup work on the post of the pusher to have clean operation. The mag release adaptor allows use of the stock mag release (or any 3d printed extended mag releases) to release the talon mags on the regular adaptor. Follow the instructions on tripoloskii's mag release for install. The magwell locks the Worker adaptor in place. It's not necessary for the conversion, but it means you don't have to put an external screw in the mag adaptor like tripoloskii's original design. Big thanks to tripoloskii and Flygonial for the original files!