This is a redesign of https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5588493. I wanted to give the top part a flat bottom, but there was no way to print this without making the legs ridiculously large. SO instead I opted to make it in 2 parts: the top, and the bottom. The top is a regular bowl shape that printed in 15 1/3 hours and can be printed and used by itself. The bottom, 5 twisted legs, printed in a little less than 6 hours. Due to the shallow slope of the legs I specified Fuzzy Skin in SuperSlicer's settings. This works well to hide the rough surfaces on the bottom sides of the legs that result from their shallow slope. Both parts printed at 100 mm/sec and layer height of 0.200 mm. So - how to connect the 2? The method I use is not to try to glue them together. Instead I weld them by using a solvent that melts the PLA and fuses it together. The solvent disappears (it is extremely volatile) and though it may look like there are 2 parts, in reality they are fused into a single one. So - how to do this? It's actually quite easy, but there are some cautions. This is the solvent I use: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0096T6OQK/?coliid=I1IAY1QNAJ3NZ7&colid=2FZI8YYNSDDOG&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it. It is highly volatile and must be used only on an area with good ventilation. Also, it will dry out any skin it comes into contact with, so be very careful when you use it. Only a small amount of solvent is needed. To weld the parts together I turned the top part upside down and used a syringe to spread a small amount of solvent on the tops of each leg. If you don't have a syringe the applicator that comes with the solvent works just as well. Remember - only a small amount of solvent is needed. Once the tops the the legs are covered with solvent you need to immediately flip the legs upside down and position them on the bottom of the top. You've got only a few seconds to move the legs around and ensure they are centered on the top of the bottom. The diameter of the legs is less than 1 mm smaller than the diameter of the top's bottom - so be quick and careful. Immediately press the legs down onto the the top and hold them for a few seconds. Once the weld takes place there's no way to un-do it. You can strengthen the weld by squirting small amounts of solvent into any gaps you see. Capillary action will pull the solvent into the gaps. Continue hold the 2 pieces together to ensure the welds hold tight. The whole operation should take no more than a minute.