E46 Convertible Rear Seat Amplifier Mount

E46 Convertible Rear Seat Amplifier Mount


This is a very simple base plate with holes that line up with existing bolt holes inside the rear seat of an E46 M3 convertible (and, presumably, other E46 convertibles). My goal was simply to do a subwoofer install that a) used no trunk space, and b) was as stock-looking as possible. I used a Timpano TPT1400 amplifier due to its physically small size. Using this plate, I was able to mount the amp completely inside the rear seat rather than in the trunk. I mounted a 10" Kicker CompVR in the ski pass, replacing the stock 6" subwoofer. I'm sure that other amps and subs would work just as well. To mount the amp to this bracket, one could probably get by with aggressive mounting tape or even sugru. Instead, I marked, drilled, and countersunk four holes FROM THE BACK OF THE PLATE and epoxied M5 machine screws into place. I mounted the amp and secured from the front with nuts. I have no idea if this will be useful to anyone else ... but uploading in case it is useful or provides inspiration for your own design!






