Collapsed Elephant Zoetrope ala Duchamp

Collapsed Elephant Zoetrope ala Duchamp


This is sort of an homage to a number of things and people. I really like the photo figure studies that Muybridge did at the turn of the last century (or two?) Duchamp is important to me in ways that it would take more than a few beers to explain in full, zoetropes have fascinated me since I was a wee lad, Alexander Calder invented the Mobile and then started calling his non moving sculptures "Stabiles" .... so, this is sort of a stabile of a zoetrope, and also "Nude Elephant Walking on a Plane", (apologies to Duchamp) It's remixed from: A few years ago I made this as a box for my father. I simply loaded all the elephants in the slicer so they overlapped, and then exported the object as an stl. I split it at 90.2 mm and hollowed it out by subtracting a 97% scaled version out from the inside. That was pretty cool, but for this one I used the "Subtract Negative Volume" tool in Prusaslicer V2.5.0. I made a "pill" by combining a cylinder and two sphere primitives, saved it as an STL, then subtracted that from the body, once for the tummy and again for the head. I did the same sort of thing to make recesses for some little 4mm magnets to hold it closed. I really like the project that did. Thanks so much and I hope you like what I did with your model. If all goes well I'll upload pictures of it in the shape I envision in the next week or so.







