Decoration Leaftwigs

Decoration Leaftwigs


This is a copy of my publication at <a href="">Printables</a> <b>Use your imagination and make beautiful decorations with these thin leafy twigs.</b> Very thin print, to approach the real leaves as much as possible. With a little imagination you can even turn it into a hanging plant (see photos). Printed with 0.4mm nozzle, layerheigth 0.2. The veins of the leaves are at the top layer. I printed them with silver grey. For the leaves I used emerald green with small glitters in it (not exaggerated) for the slightly shiny effect. For information on how to shape these twigs after printing (use also twisting!), I refer you to my other published model: <a href="">Snowflake Garlands (2.8m long!).</a> There I described in detail the way to do this with hot water. p.s. this only works with PLA, as it has the property of softening below 100°C (212°F). The hanging plant is displayed in my Display Cube with Floating Shelf <i>Background Coverimage by <a href="">pvproductions</a> on Freepik</i>






