Hypercube - Linear Rails, E3D Hemera, Duet3D, Prusa Mk52

Hypercube - Linear Rails, E3D Hemera, Duet3D, Prusa Mk52


A corexy printer loosely based on the Hypercube evolution featuring: - Hiwin Linear Rails - Duet3D Duet 2 Wifi Board - Original MK52 Prusa print bed - E3D Hemera extruder - BlTouch sensor - Misumi Bearings I started with the plan to build a Hypercube Evolution and modify only some parts. It ended up with a almost completely redesigned printer, with only parts of the z-axis still consisting of Hypercube (remix) parts. The goal of this design was to use only high quality parts. The printer is completely designed in FreeCAD. If I forgot to upload a file let me know. I did not (yet) upload the assemblies as they include open but prop. stl/step files of purchased parts from the manufacturer websites. As most hobby projects this is work in progress. Current known issues that I plan to improve: - Belt guidance is not optimal. Especially the toothed idlers are not exact enough for my liking. I plan to replace those with shoulder bearings. - The XY motors tilt a little due to belt tension. I plan to update the mount to compensate. In the mean time putting some e.g. paper between motor and frame helps. - Fan duct is cooling only from one side, leading to sometimes different print result for "right" vs. "left" walls __BOM (incomplete)__ [Duet3d 2 Wifi](https://www.duet3d.com/DuetWifi) [Z Axis Coupling](https://www.dold-mechatronik.de/Spielfreie-Elastomerkupplung-JM16C-D16L22-500-600mm) [Z Axis threaded rod](https://www.dold-mechatronik.de/Praezisions-Trapezgewindespindel-RPTS-TR-10X2-rechts-C35-C45-Laenge-und-Endenbearbeitung-waehlbar-825-EUR-m-Bearbeitung) [Z Axis Rods](https://www.dold-mechatronik.de/Praezisionswelle-12mm-h6-geschliffen-und-gehaertet-ZUSCHNITT-bis-1200mm-1600-EUR-m-025-EUR-pro-Schnitt) [Z Axis Nut](https://www.dold-mechatronik.de/Trapezgewindemutter-Flansch-EBFM-10x2-rechts-Rotguss) Extrusions: Bed X - 2x - L=140 2020 Type B Bed Y - 2x - L=320 2020 Type B X Axis - 1x- L=454 2020 Type B X Frame - 4x - L=480 3030 Type B Y Frame - 4x - L=380 3030 Type B Z Frame - 4x - L=500 3030 Type B For example [here](https://www.myaluprofil.de/aluminiumprofil-30x30-nut-8-b-typ-schwarz.html)







3D Printers