Hwandudaedo 환두대도 - Korean Ring Pommel Sword
*This 3D .stl file was designed for combining with other meshes of existing miniatures rather than as a standalone item! It has been pre-sized to be compatible with most standard tabletop miniatures. **Hwandudaedo 환두대도 - Korean Ring Pommel Sword.** Named for their decorated ring-shaped pommels, _hwandudaedo_ swords have a straight blade and hilt. Elegant designs within a pommels ring can feature shapes, dragons, _bonghwang,_ and more. *This model is free to download and free to add to your own miniatures! Please do not sell, share or give, upload, or otherwise redistribute the files included, but you may share links to this page with others, and you may include the files in your own projects! If you make something with this file, feel free to share an image and tag me on Twitter @jovey4!