Cheap 3D Printing Service
Head to Fiverr: Shipping is currently ONLY in USA. Soon international shipping will be available. Prices depend on the model you send in. Factors like the amount of plastic and hours that are used to print, as well as shipping fees. Use the following formula as a reference. (Grams of plastic * 0.3) + (Hours * 1) = Flat price of just printing ((20% * Flat price) + Flat price) + Shipping = Final price to deliver item Grams of plastic and Hours are both determined before the print starts using the printing software. If you would like to just figure out the flat price of your model without ordering, I would be more than happy to help you out if you message me on Fiverr. Prints are done in FDM currently, in any color you wish. Message on Fiverr for questions.