Cookie Grinder
*****This is not my design***** I was going to up-load this as a remix but I could not find the original design. It too was a remix and i wish I could give apropriat credit to those who did. I do think it was a remix of this one though= I had a hard time printing this on my ENder 3 Pro so I instead used my Anycubic Photon Mono 4k. I am uploading the original file plus one I have pre supported. i ran it though UV Tools and it is printing well. Feel free to double check it if you want to. I would. If you are wanting to print it on a FDM printer I'd suggest rotating the oreo logo up and placing a manual support under neath for the teeth. Print slow and with finer details. In the photos the painted one is FDM and the other is resin. Again THANK YOU to the original designers and If you can reach out and prove it is yours I'll give you credit as i wish I could now.