Modified BrainExploder's M60/Mk43/M240 Flash Boxmag
Mashed up parts from Brainexploder's box mag ( and Goosewerk's magazine conversion ( to make have an easy to assemble box magazine for a 240. The box is almost unmodified, just tightened the hole for the feed tube to make sure no bbs fall out and made a simple cover. There are a couple versions V3 should fit the best. The V2 is just a hair too long and spreads out the box mag. Made a cap for the flashmag feed tube that adapts it to the feed spring. I used some random flashmag I found and it fits tight enough that there is no need for any glue, hopefully it fits yours, if not It should be simple enough to make your own. The hop up adapters connect to the other end of the feed spring. I have been working on getting it to where a 240 does not require modification of the feed tray to work, but I do not have one to test with. The only person I know with one says the Goosewerks did not work for him, the downward feeding one I made also did not work. He has not tried the stubby one yet, so maybe that will work. If anyone with a m240 that wants to make one that just works that would be great. also the spring you want is an 8mm OD Tension spring