Pegboard Kreg Accessory holder (aka "Kregboard") v1.1
I got tired of looking for my Kreg pocket hole accessories in multiple places so I decided to make a holder for them. The holder has pegs for standard 1/4" pegboard. It includes places for 2 drill stops, 2 hex wrenches (for drill stops), 1 Kreg drill bit, 4 hex bits (square drivers, new version of the drill bit), plus the basic pocket hole jig. I printed version 1.0 using 50% infill and super quality with supports (sliced in Cura). It fit beautifully and felt very strong with those settings. I needed to make a few tweaks but didn't feel like waiting just for a test print so v1.1 I printed with 20% infill and low quality. The fits were meh all around but even without the density it still feels plenty strong for what it does. I do recommend printing right side up with supports as it seems to provide much cleaner pegs and hexagons without adding much time to the print. I've included STL, 3MF, and STEP files for this thing.