Ender 3 v2 Neo Scraper Holder

Ender 3 v2 Neo Scraper Holder


A simple holder for the scraper that came with the Ender 3 v2 Neo. It has a little slope on the inside that works really well to guide the scraper into a fully vertical position when inserted. It is mounted in the top horizontal profile so there is no need to mess around with any bolts. Just pop off the end cap, insert the holder, pop the cap back on, and you're good to hold :-) Note that this is a very tight fit that might require a bit of cleanup (it did for me), but it also means the holder will stay put once inserted into the slot. I'm not entirely sure if the dimensions of the profiles changed between the original Ender 3 and the Ender 3 v2 Neo, but at least on my unit, the slots in the profiles do not match the dimensions in the blueprints available from Creality on GitHub. The widest "width" of the slots, for instance, is about 1.2 mm on my unit, whereas the blueprints say 1 mm.



