Avatar the way of water, Cineplex cup lid

Avatar the way of water, Cineplex cup lid


I went to Cineplex theatre to see the new avatar way of water movie. bought the avatar popcorn package with metal bucket and plastic reusable souvenir cup. cup only had the standard fast food plastic lid, so i designed this Avatar themed lid that fits on the cup and is water tight. the hole fits a standard plastic/paper straw, and the straws with the little bump to keep them from falling out of cup work also. not a huge model designer so it has some flaws. has to be printed with supports, and i printed mine rim down to have the top/letters a nice finish. 30g model 50g in supports on my printer. will need to work the lid a bit to get the groove to lock on to cup rim first few uses. made it for myself but thought id share encase anyone else wanted it.







3D Printing