Prius Missile Button (mechanical)
This build uses VariablePenguin's Prius console button, and holds a funny cigarette lighter-sized button from amazon ( You'll need a hardware store spring that is about an inch and a half long, a piece of metal rod of any size, and a small piece of strong wire (or another piece of metal rod). Print the car button first, and keep in mind that the flimsy spring pieces that hold it in may not survive being removed. When I first printed the original build, it barely stayed in the slot in the dash, so I barely scaled it up and added a half-dome on each springy side piece to hold it in better. Print this piece with the large end on the build plate, with supports but no adhesion/ rafts. the second part- spring block- is a solid rectangle which should print easily. To make the spring assembly, drill a hole in the aluminum button to hold the metal rod. Any diameter of small straight rod will work, around 1/8th inch, and the length of the full assembly. Drill another hole in the very center of the "spring block" print, making it just larger than the rod. The rod should fit nicely in the button, and slide through the block. Superglue the rod into the hole in the button, and glue the spring around the rod so that when the rod is placed in the block, the spring compresses. Glue the block to the bottom of the console attachment, and place the button assembly through the whole thing with the rod in the hole of the block. It should compress up and down but not be held in place. Lastly, compress the spring so that the rod protrudes through the block, and glue a wire or other scrap onto the rod, securing the whole assembly together as one piece. It should fit in the dash below the power button and allow the button to be pressed. I haven't tested whether there is room in the dash to put a similar assembly in any of the other available spots. Note that I drive a base level 2013 Prius 2.