20x30cm BIG rain shower head (3d print/laser cut)
Hi all Recently i made myself a new shower head. The huge rain shower kind. 20x30cm with 360 water jets. its been in use now for a few months and I'm really happy with the end result. I used my 40w co2 laser to cut the acrylic. and glues the parts with UV curing glue to keep it transparent. the mounting parts are 3d printed on my Ender. get lots of great feedback from other makers who made this. hope you all like it! if you made your own or made a remix please share your experience. i would love to hear them. Full build video and demonstration can be found here: https://youtu.be/lXm1iR1h1Dk English subtitles are available. if you like our projects please follow us on Thingiverse or YouTube. we keep on sharing our ideas.