Honeycomb Nintendo Switch Grip
I wanted to print myself a grip for my Nintendo Switch, but did not like the available options, since they were all a bit bulky & did not look very nice. So I did one myself. Furthermore I wanted to see how far I can push my 3D Printer. Simply slide in your Switch from the top, as long as you dont plan to play upside down, gravity will keep it in place. You can't generate automatic supports, since they will most likely mess everything up. The mid piece has the supports already in the .stl file & for the grip you need to place a small cube inside your slicer. I attached a screenshot, where you need to place it. Here a small tutorial for CURA custom supports by CHEP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owgUmQao2ME I printed all the parts with a raft, without it the print would get knocked over at some point. But you know your printer best, so it's up to you to use them. To get the left side grip, simply mirror it in the slicer. At the end I glued the grips to the mid piece, but it also works well if you simply stick them in, maybe you need to to some sanding for the clearence.