Pin Loom 3pin Customizer

Pin Loom 3pin Customizer


This is a customiser driven pin loom maker. The style of pin loom is based on a 3 pin staggered variation. ###Please look here for a very good explanation of how to use this loom. - The 100mm versions are the same as the 4inch versions. - Pin pitch can be adjusted for finer yarns. Make sure the same pitch is used if making matching sets of different sizes. - Annotations show all important dimensions (which you obviously do not need to print). - I leave the text in and trim it away when staging in the printer so the files can be examined simply in the future. Several looms are preconstructed. The json file will show as choices in the customiser. Make sure its in the same directory as the scad file. This is a remix of *Aethenelle's* pin loom customiser but has substantial additions such as: - variable size (snapping to odd threadcounts), draw yarn path guides, - pin pitch or pin count, angled interior, - calculate loops required to finish step4, - export 2D version for lasercutter or drill guide (SVG format), - narrow pin gap warning, calculate pins reqd, - reports, more customiser. ###Note about using it. - The 1,2,3,4 refers to the steps involved in putting yarn onto the loom. - The 4 step is unusually at the bottom. The thread will come out the top but at position 4 you need to loop the yarn around the outside that many times before cutting it off. This yarn is threaded in between the previous three sets of loops the user has created.







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