Samla 11L 2level trays with inserts 25mm 32mm Legion 40k gaming
From Alex9779s Samla file. 1.6mm walls, Print Samla Trays with 50% overlap between walls so the walls dont rip off. I print at .22 layer height on a .6nozzle. I mostly use a 2 cell tray when doing a 2 tray height in the 11 Liter Samla bin. The newer lids from Ikea have clips molded into them. I use a gcode to pause the print at the transition level to the walls so the floor is black and the walls can be whatever color you want to make a 2tone color scheme to fit your figures colors, clan, etc. My layer is layer 9, yours might be a bit lower or higher {REPLACE "\n; layer 9, Z = " "\n; layer 9\nG1 X0 Y0\nM300\nM0 Click to continue\n; layer 9 "} The trays are using a popsicle stick as a figure divider to keep the figures from flying around but I included a non stick flat version or you can remove the stick holders in Windows3D builder (unGroup). The holes are 26mm and you may need a deburring tool to get the excess filament off from retraction between holes.