LG dishwasher spinner thingo

LG dishwasher spinner thingo


I installed it before I took any pictures of the printed part, but this replaces the small insert into the large bottom spinner that runs the smaller spinner....on a 10 year old LG dishwasher. There's a pic of the original included. It's ~24mm in diameter and 15mm tall. I printed mine out of nylon with the tabs holding the smaller spinner at the top. You will need supports, which suck with such a small nylon part but I just heated up a scraper and pushed it in below the top tabs instead of trying to remove the supports. Note that the larger tabs don't go all the way across as the part is designed to twist lock in place. They would probably also work if printed in PETG or ABS/ASA I've included the blender file - the mesh isn't super clean around the top tabs but it's not too bad if you need to make adjustments. Hopefully this helps someone fix their dishwasher :-)



