Sewing Machine Bobbin Thread Retainer Clip

Sewing Machine Bobbin Thread Retainer Clip


Clip for keeping the thread from unspooling off your metal bobbins. Designed for Singer metal bobbins, but might work for other types. 3 designs, one solid, one with two diamond windows, one with four diamond windows. I used clear filament, but found that you still couldn't easily see the thread color. Adding one set of windows was ok, but you couldn't always see the thread color if you were looking at the end with the handle. The design with 4 diamond windows gives you the best visibility of the thread color. Structurally seems to still be ok, but not thoroughly tested yet. Printed with PLA, at high quality setting sliced in Simplify3D and printed on a Prusa Mini. Original clip design thing:2052636. I added the handle to make it easier to remove, made it a little taller to fit closer to the width of the bobbin, then added the windows for better visibility.





