Helmholtz Resonator (Hexagonal) - Tuneable Acoustic Absorber
This is a project done under Simplectic, registered at the Chamber of Commerce in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Name: Tuneable and tileable Hexagonal Helmholtz Resonators. Application: Precise acoustic filtering. Goal: Easy and inexpensive to make acoustic panels for people with sensitivity to noise (ADS, ADHD, HSP and misophones). Good cause = not for profit project. Please use freely (mentioning Simplectic is appreciated!). Have an intrusive sound bothering you? Figure out it's main frequencies (google it). Per frequency make a hex module. Put those together (e.g. on a panel). The panel now picks out specifically those notes! Basic model is tuned to G#3 or 207.65 Hz (the Dom Tower's church bell). Most city noise is one octave up or down from here. How to tune: Scale it! The new frequency is f_new = f_old/k , where k is the scaling factor. Too much math? --> Halving size doubles frequency (et vice versa). Or: Fill it! Like blowing over a beer bottle, the more filled the "body" section the higher the pitch! Construction tips: If you have a large area to cover, consider inexpensive materials like cardboard or plywood. Print out a single module per frequency and use this as a reference object to make cavities of the same shape in the material. It's the shape that counts, not the material! No 3D printer? No problem! Dimensions are given in the attached article. You can just draw out and cut the shape yourself, however you want to build it. At least the calculations are done for you :) Note: Be safe, eg treat for fire hazard when using cardboard. Simplectic and associated parties are not responsible for damages resulting from use. For more detailed information, construction instructions and references, please see attached article. Notes: The "non-module" files are the print as is versions. The modular ones have neater prints and offer more flexibility. There's a thick version (with a silencer) and an economic version (without the silencer). The neck is most important, so you can also just print out the neck and hammer that into cardboard (with the appropriately sized volume on the other side). Up to you!