Sd40 grinder ministep adapter
Caution! I'm not responsible for the damage you can do to your grinder or yourself. It's working for me, with my printer, make sure you modify it if needed to your printer and grinder. If something slips when grinding the top burr will unscrew! (it happened to me with other design) - Great grinder at the moment except for the original 4-step. I tried to design something to make it stepless but this grinder applies quite a strong force when grinding for espresso, so I wanted to keep it as simple as possible, and this is the result, quite happy with it, working nicely. Sorry for the spanglish in the code. if you want less steps in case you have difficulty printing it, just modify newStep parameter. But be carefull with notch, there are different parameters for male and female, you have to adjust manually or make it proportional. No support for the ring, orientation shoud be with new notches touching the plate. Suppot needed for the Stopper, orientation with cylinders touching build plate.