Ipod Holder

Ipod Holder


5th gen Ipod (I think) mounting bracket I drew up and printed to get the thing out of the way and make it easier to use. things about it and suggested mods. -ipod slides in easily with enough friction to hold it in place.wont fall out if turned upside down -holes for the headphone jack and charge cord were slightly off and needed some gentle love with a die grinder to work -mounting holes were drawn to be tight clearance hole for #8 machine screw (quick web search will bring this up) and it was definitely tight.Screws threaded in by hand,but if I did another one I'd go with the loose clearance value. -The arm connecting the bracket to mounting flange could use a bit of a redesign.It's fine for regular use,but plugging in the Ipod or removing it,I felt like i needed to support it a bit with my free hand to limit flexing. -if mounting it to a toolbox like I did,may want to look at the construction inside to see what sort of access to the inside wall there is.I had to take mine further apart than I expected to use nuts/bolts.May want to use self tappers instead. -I would make the front wall over the home button thinner or chamfer the hole back more.It's too deep for me to use anything but my pinky to hit the button.(minds out of the gutter people)







3D Printing