Mini StealthBurner Hex Inlay

Mini StealthBurner Hex Inlay


Saw a few hexagon pattern inlays on the Voron Afterburners and thought they looked really cool and wanted to try my hand at making my own. Attached are the hexagon with logo, and hexagon without logo, logo, and then the Mini StealthBurner cowling with the hexagon inlay cut into the body. To print this, you will need to first load the pattern and housing into your slicer and line everything up. Next, print just the inlay (hex and or logo) in desired color, then print the cowling. If your printer does a bed probe between prints, be sure you put the objects out of the way of your bed sensor. I got lucky and while the nozzle ran over the top of my inlay a few times while printing the cowling, none of them came loose and the print was a success. Big thanks to the Voron team for designing such cool stuff and putting it out there for us to play with!



