Pokemon Zekrom Coin

Pokemon Zekrom Coin


I couldn't find a nice Zekrom Pokemon coin - so I decided to make one! Technically, all I did was find elements that I liked, and combine them in Tinkercad (with a few tweaks to make it more to my liking)... I used the following to create this: Original Zekrom silhouette - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4950500 - I increased the size of the picture within the circle, and reduced the overall size of the coin (both in height and diameter) Jolteon coin - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4799880 - As much as I love Jolteon, I needed a Zekrom coin - so I sliced the back off and merged it with the Zekrom silhouette. Some day I will design my own Zekrom coin, but I just started 3D printing YESTERDAY!



