Ultimate Battery Adaptor / ONE FITS ALL Solution

Ultimate Battery Adaptor / ONE FITS ALL Solution


Thanks to AleksejsC for the Base Model. I have improved the Model l a little bit by: - removed polarity label (you can't see it, so it doesn't matter) - remove build hight. 8mm less. More compacter form factor - remove the screen holes. My Model must glued together. - added the terminal connector in the file - added the AMPshare 2 Makita Logo on the side BOSCH Professional has done a good job for licensing his battery system to other power tools manufacturer. Let's take the opportunity to improve it and make one ultimate battery platform based on the AMPshare to use it in all other 18V Systems. Let us adding the other manufacturer such as DeWalt and the CAS. This is the beginning for the One fits all solution







3D Printing