Ticket To Ride Cardholder TTR

Ticket To Ride Cardholder TTR


A remix of a great design, simple and fairly quick to print, https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2633574. This was tough to print without a brim, which is a pain in the neck to clean off, so closed one end, now has a lot more area for adhesion. Prints well with just a skirt. Lowered the "Ticket to Ride" text from the original, as the lower, unsupported side of the text drooped a lot on my prints. The logo is still clearly visible, but doesn't droop. If you want this longer to hold more cards, just scale Z in slicer. Turn of axis lock, or "uniform scaling", or thickness will become unmanageable. The logo stretches well... 4 Versions: TTRholderBOTH has logo on the top face and the back that's facing other players. TTRholderTOPSIDE is like the original, just on the topside. TTRholderBACK has the logo just on the back. TTRholderNONE doesn't have TTR logo, just a cardholder...






