Velvor Ice Cream Machine Handles Upgrade

Velvor Ice Cream Machine Handles Upgrade


Velvor makes a lot of Ice Cream Machines and if you are lucky enough to have one you know they are expensive to buy and expensive to repair. A church member called me up and explained that while a well-meaning helper was pushing the machine down the sidewalk on its provided wheels, toppled over when a wheel caught a crack. Sadly the machines are very heavy in front and down it went. The results were all three handles snapped off. They tried to find handles to buy but had no luck. The solution was to send over the parts to me and see what I came up with. All said and done they bought me a ruby-tip nozzle and a roll of carbon fiber PLA to get started. Additionally, we bought bear tap handles for cheap on Amazon and 3/8"x1 1/2" bolts for the project. Initially, the parts looked great but the geometry, though matching the originals, was somehow lacking. Several tweaks and reworks and the new handles can actually open the plunger valves an additional 3mm past the OEM (half open) position. So, if you broke yours or just want to upgrade, have a go at it.







Food & Drink