Toyota Tacoma power bleeder master cylinder adapters
This thing is a pair of adapters to connect your brake power bleeder to the master cylinder of your Tacoma and some other Toyotas. These master cylinders have a press on rubber cap and the universal adapter that comes with the pressure bleeder is a PITA to use. This is intended to use the power bleeder as an air source only. IOW, I don't transfer fluid from the bleeder to the vehicle. Rather I just pressurize the MC, bleed a brake, then refill the MC, do another, etc. Much neater that way. There are 2 adapters in the thing files. Both adapters use the same clamp that holds them onto the MC. The adapters seal via the O-ring so all this clamp does is keep the adapter from coming off. One adapter accepts a standard power bleeder cap made to fit Euro master cylinders with 45mmx3mm threads. Make sure to give the male adapter threads several layers of Teflon tape to get this thing to seal up. To refill the MC simply unscrew the power bleeder cap. The other adapter just has a nipple to connect your air tubing to. To refill the MC just unpin the clamp and lift the adapter off the MC. Other parts needed: Clamp 2 3mmx20mm screws A piece of light chain (I used a scrap of toilet flapper chain) 2 3mm nylon insert nuts (one for hinge, one for the screw used as the pin) 1 3mm washer for pin (you could do the pin other ways easily enough) Euro Cap Adapter 40mmx3mm Oring Teflon tape Air nipple adapter brass 1/4 NPT x 1/4" barb fitting glue (I couldn't get this to seal with Teflon tape) 5/16" tubing, silicone or plastic Optional 5/16" acetal quick connects (makes it easy to disconnect and use the bleeder with other adapters on different vehicles) Oetiker clamps for the tubing