CR-10 Hemera runout sensor Z-endstop switch
Remix from this: When using an Hemera on the CR-10, you don't need the original extruder. So with this setup you can have a "reverse bowden setup" which is really nice. When having the spool on the side, this prevents the toolhead from jerking on the filament spool when moving fast. I prefer this over top mounting it, cause heavy spools on top can lead to more ringing. Also, if you have a BL Touch you have a Z endstop switch you don't need, so I used that. Mounts where the original extruder would be on the CR-10. Cleaned up the holes for the filament with a 2mm drill bit. Used short M3 bolts and just threaded it into the plastic to secure it down. Same with the lid. Print settings: 0.2mm layer height 0.4mm Nozzle Supports: Prusaslicer, supports only on build plate. The threaded holes seem to do fine without support. You need: 4x short M3 bolts 2x 4mm bowden couplers M10 Original CR-10 Z endstop switch. Extra info: These are the clips I used to attach the wires to the bowden tube.