Lee Quick Trim brass chip tray (Hornady Lock-N-Load)

Lee Quick Trim brass chip tray (Hornady Lock-N-Load)


This is a modified version of [gynta's "Universal" chip catcher tray](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4825026) to fit a Hornady Lock-N-Load single-stage press. * The overall diameter of the chip catcher is reduced to clear the press frame This should work on a wider variety of presses and be more "universal." * The height of the "lip" is reduced to ensure that the chip catcher is always lower than the bottom of the Quick Trim die The lip is 1mm higher than the shell holder plate, in my press the dies are usually 5mm or lower. * The gap to insert cartridges is wider to make it easier to align with the opening in the shell holder This version also does not contain the "mesh error" that could cause the original version to slice & print with the center hole closed.



