STARERS Glasses for anyone
Looking for a new pair of glasses but don't want to spend a fortune? Check out our 3D printed glasses made from PLA! These glasses are designed to be affordable and accessible for everyone, no matter where they live. With our open source design, you can download and print your own glasses at home, or take them to a local 3D printing service. Whether you need reading glasses, prescription glasses, or sunglasses, our 3D printed glasses are a great option for anyone looking for an affordable, stylish, and eco-friendly pair of glasses. Eyewear manufacturers keep you in a world where you don't choose your glasses according to your own parameters but according to fashion trends that are predetermined for you. The eyewear industry is dominated by a few large companies that have a monopoly on production. This means that the prices of glasses are artificially high, and many people around the world cannot afford to buy a pair of glasses. With our 3D printed glasses, we are working to break the monopoly and make glasses more affordable for everyone. The global eyewear market, which is made up of spectacles, contact lenses, sunglasses, and other eyewear products, was estimated to be worth around 140 billion U.S. dollars in 2020 and was forecast to reach a value of 197.2 billion U.S. dollars by 2027 and which is dominated by single player. Read more at [](