Bios:Genesis Box Insert

Bios:Genesis Box Insert


Storage trays for Phil Eklund's BIOS:Genesis boardgame. This is a two tray system designed to eliminate the need for baggies or even sorting. Since the game functions through use of a common "soup", there really is no need to keep all the bits separated. Secondly, I purposefully avoided the need for tray lids. These two trays are sized to fit *exactly* to the height of the internal box minus room for the refugia cards and instruction booklets. With all of these stack on top of each other, the cover of the box will hold it flush to keep parts from spilling. I suppose the trays could be used as the common soup, catalyst and dice trays, but that wasn't really my original intent here. The dice and card slots have room for fingers and the card tray should allow for standard sleeves (admittedly untested though). Be warned, these take a fair amount of plastic to produce in order to get the height to fill the box.






