Ender 3 S1 Pro Stiffener Mod
A mod to reduce Y-axis vibrations. I made this mod since I recognized, that raising the print speed on my Ender 3 S1 Pro caused vibrations, especially on the Y-Axis. All you need to buy are 2 x 50 cm M10 threaded bar (or 1m and saw it) and 8 nuts (also M10). Maybe some Loc Tide. The upper mounts are big enough, that your print height shouldn't be reduced. I know this is not the optimimal vibration reducing design, but it is a compromise and better than keeping it stock. I completely designed them myself. Feedback appreciated. For the lower mount, I took the base of “Creality Ender-3 S1 Pro Yi Home / Raspberry Pi Cam Mount” from SnakeP (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5585683), since it fits good on the front corners of the S1 pro. I completely changed the part where the mount happens. It now takes the M10 threaded bar at the correct position. You can just mirror it to get the one for the other side. I did a small mistake during the design and test phase. I had to change the size of the upper mounts and so, it also changed the shape of the holes. The good thing is, this compensates if the angle is not perfect. It fittet really good when I assembled it. After I was done, I also put some weight on the base of the printer and tried it out. I was really impressed by the result. Much less vibrations and very smooth.