Velocity One Control Arms

Velocity One Control Arms


They're not perfect, but it could be my printer calibration. Easily fixed with a small file or a piece of paper depending if the post hole is too large or too small. Personally I've made mine a so they come off reasonably easily so I don't have to tug too much on the controls. Notice I have also added the felt material to the arms for some extra resistance as the original is pretty light and these new throttle knobs would probably make that worse. I still need to add some black on the lettering. Support only for the throttle arms as I printed them with the round part on the bed. I also added support blockers to the post holes on each part otherwise you'll have a hell of a time clearing them, if your printer is setup reasonably the bridging distance should be fine. I printed the Speed brake vertically with a 10 row brim to hold it securely, I had no issue with no supports.. I printed the Flap lever on its back with no supports.






