Neptune LLS Magnetic Mount

Neptune LLS Magnetic Mount


This is a basic magnet mount to hold the Neptune Systems Liquid Level Sensor (LLS) in a saltwater environment. The LLS top must not be submerged in saltwater and you shouldn't need to submerge this mount in saltwater but to be safe make sure to use 1) epoxy covered magnets (32mm x 3mm black - you need four); 2) aquarium safe clear silicone; 3) superglue gel; 4) use PETG. There are two parts : part 1 which encases two 33x3 disk magnets (the dry side); part 2 a or b depending if you need 90 deg or straight on. To make sure there is a strong connection across glass tank or sump I double up each magnet and only use 1mm spacing both sides. Like most people I don't like to use adhesion or supports but depending on your printer etc you might want to enable support for the LLS side but only at 10% so it is easy to pop out. Take care handling very strong magnets and when installing in saltwater environment. Build and use at your own risk.






