Magsafe Charger F-150 Lightning
Magsafe phone holders for modeled from an 2022 F-150 XLT. It hold the phone at about a 36 degree angle toward the drive in an optimal location. If you have a fold our center console, it will hit, but the fold down shifter should not. I am able to put a larger drink next to it without issues but there is a limit to the size of drink that can be placed next to it. The part is designed to only touch were the rubber insert touches normally incase there are abrasions. The plastic on plastic interface causes sliding. I used a little sticky tacky to secure it without damage. Printed at: 50mm/s travel .2mm Layer Height .4mm Line Width 240 deg C Extruder 70 deg C Bed Normal Supports Over Bed Only Some F-150 Lightnings comes with a charger tucked away in the front of the center console in landscape. I am told that the center console is the same on the ICE model. If you have an ICE F-150 and print one, let me know if it works.