Xiegu G90 Front Cover
This is a protective cover for the front of the Xiegu G90 that utilizes the H2 accessory (different front rails than stock). It is designed to slide from the top down and to protect the screen, knobs, and top buttons from things falling on it. My plan is to have the radio at the bottom of a bag and didn't want anything damaging the radio (radio accessories that will be on top of the radio). This won't offer any protection from risks coming from the bottom of the radio, but since the H2 rails angle outward and I cant slide it on from the front, it was a compromise that I made, and it works for my intended use case. I actually plan to swap out to the H1 accessory (I think it's a little silly that they sell a kit with the H1 and H2 accessories which do not work together) with the factory front rails, so I will probably re-design this for the stock rails.