Plastic bottle waterpipe / bong

Plastic bottle waterpipe / bong


Credit goes to Skunpy for the original design. I made this design for a friend While using - Make sure the water bottle is about halfway full - Place your finger on the disk on top while removing the bowl I changed the Bottle-Stem so it could fit a standard 14mm glass piece/bowl. I haven't tried but I'm sure it could fit a 10mm one as well. I also changed the holes in the bottom to this pattern I thought was cool. It fits both BottleCap and Bottle-Bong - Supports just under the disk. I used smart fill. - It ended up a little stringy from the bridge infill at the top but it was just fine and I was able to remove it with small plyers. - I do not recommend heating as a method of cleaning up the stringiness around the holes because the part is so thin, it easily melts and warps there. Feel free to heat the bowl part to clean up any stringy mess The BottleCap (Right) works with most soda bottles and other water bottles with a single thread type. This is the model that Skunpy made - No supports - Make sure the top of the cap and straw are laying on the heat bed The Bottle-Bong (Left) works with a three-thread type of cap. There are some versions that are smaller and I do not have a cap for them yet. This version works with arrowhead bottles. I did this because arrowhead is the most abundant water in my household lol. I'm sure it works with other three-thread-type caps. - No supports - Make sure the top of the cap and straw are laying on the heat bed



