TTRGP Miniature Numbered Meeple Base

TTRGP Miniature Numbered Meeple Base


My D&D group (soon to be <insert new TTRPG> group...curse you OGL betrayal) have swapped from 1 inch battle mat to 1.5 inch battle mat ... mostly because i like printing our characters in 28mm scaled up to 150% ... easier for old eyes to paint. Bases are 1.5 inch diameter with a pocket to hold a standard 1 inch base miniature. I have multiple sets of bases numbered 1-20, and when we fight a group of enemies, i can grab a hand full of numbered bases, and put skeletons, giants and a warlock, each on its own number to have a quick way to track initiative/ hit points, but still get to use actual minis for bad guys. Designed in FreeCAD to not need supports ... also a TOTAL FreeCAD noob. second thing i designed, and had to look up youtube videos every step of the way... feel free to improve. Included the Freecad file, but if you know freecad you will probably do better starting from scratch. The freecad file will allow you to change the text and the base will dynamically update for whatever text you enter (There is a ShapeString labeled "ShapeString - Change Number Here") ~ two characters unless you change some of the design constraints. When you get done, select the thing labeled ("Fusion - Export This as STL") and File->Export as STL.



