Sturdy Automatic Chook Water Bowl (Chicken Waterer)

Sturdy Automatic Chook Water Bowl (Chicken Waterer)


Remix of ‘Chicken waterer using PET bottle’ by kkwsiu adding a sturdier base and elevated water level. Our delightful and hilarious rescue chook Harriet has anarchistic tendencies when it comes to her love of knocking/tipping/pushing things over (just to see what happens :p). So the intended outcome of this remix is an easy to print, anarchistic-chicken-proof auto water bowl solution. I’ve added a convex outer wall to increase the footprint of the base for more stabilisation, and slightly raised the height of the water outlets/air inlets so the water level sits a little higher, adding more base weight and making it easier to drink from. Harriet seems to love it, she's been using it for a week now and hasn’t managed to knock it over once, which makes it a clear winner over every other water solution we’ve tried for her. The thread works with any of the standard retail PET soft drink or water bottles, and also with a number of similarly sized glass bottles. I’m using a 1L glass apple sider vinegar bottle which works beautifully, keeps the water cooler than plastic bottles and doesn’t leach photo-degrading chemicals into the water in sunlight and heat. The glass also adds weight making it harder to tip over. Super easy print just sitting flat on its base with no supports. NOTE: **If you print this for your chooks or other birds/pets, pease remember to use certified *food safe* PLA. I used 3D Fillies PLA+ which is Australian Standards Food Safe.**






