Extrusion LED Light 3D Printer - e.g. Ender 3, Clip On, Slide In
<H3>Extrusion LED Light for any 3D Printer with Extrusions (e.g. for Creality Ender, Artillery...) </H3> Needed a brighter light for my 3D Printer. So here for a change a 3D Printer light based on a GU10 spot (which does NOT use LED strips). Major <b>advantages</b> in my experience: - cheaper (all you need is a GU10 socket and a GU10 spot - together <USD 5) - easier to install (simply clips on/slides into the extrusion) - much (!) brighter light - fully adjustable - runs on 110/240V, so no need for step up/down buck converters - no need to open your printer (to find that 12/24V connector) - fast print (approx. 3h total) - Compatible with pretty much any 3D printer built using extrusions The only drawback I have I have come across so far is that the light comes from from a single direction rather than a long bar (which I think is easily compensated for by the fact that it is so much brighter). <b>All you will need is a</b> - <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Socket-Connector-Adapter-Ceramic-Halogen/dp/B07CNP6FSB?crid=1J4NKP1C9C3RW&keywords=gu10+socket&qid=1674816485&sprefix=gu10+socket,aps,175&sr=8-8&linkCode=sl1&tag=hthingsn08-20&linkId=ac19c178dcbb0dfa627f38357c97d61e&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl"><b>GU10 ceramic socket</b></a> (approx. USD 1.6 - these already come with screws to mount to your print) and a - <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Dimmable-Linkind-Halogen-Equivalent-Listed/dp/B07MCRXT77?crid=9SLTLU8KT72L&keywords=linkind%2Bgu10&qid=1674815082&sprefix=linkind%2Bgu10,aps,189&sr=8-5&th=1&linkCode=sl1&tag=hthingsn08-20&linkId=33d7b5d1cc3e182db980dbf76c84ed4e&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl"><b>GU10 LED spot</b></a> (approx. USD 3 - I use the warm 3000k variety but this is completely up to you) - Two <b>M5 hex screws (ideally one 16mm, one 20mm) and nuts</b> <b>FILAMENT</b> - For the shade ring I use <a href="https://www.amazon.com/OVERTURE-Printer-Filament-Fluorescent-1-75mm/dp/B08T6Q3FZ5?crid=1AGXHJ9YDR90&keywords=glow%2Bin%2Bthe%2Bdark%2Bfilament&qid=1674818339&sprefix=glow%2Bin%2Bthe%2Bdark%2Bfilament,aps,197&sr=8-3&th=1&linkCode=sl1&tag=hthingsn08-20&linkId=962d6ce91740a8df8e5196838df43572&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl">glow in the dark filament</a>. Just a gimmick, but nice to have, it lets the ring glow after turning off the light. - For all other parts I use <a href="https://www.amazon.com/SUNLU-Filament-Printer-Dimensional-Accuracy/dp/B07X6TXJTH?keywords=sunlu+carbon+fiber+pla&qid=1671124689&sprefix=sunlu+carbgon,aps,173&sr=8-3&linkCode=sl1&tag=hthingsn08-20&linkId=56bfe3aa2379f048102d4b5d97ec6041&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl"> easy to print <b>Carbon Fiber PLA </b></a>, which adds that little extra strength and gives this beautiful soft touch and semi-gloss shine, <b>PRINTING</b> Printing is super easy. No supports needed (as usual with my designs). You can print everything (except for the shade ring) in a single print. I use 30% infill and 0.25 mm layers. The entire printing time should be around 3 hrs. <b>ASSEMBLY</b> I have included exploded view figures, so assembly should be very straightforward. You can either slide the extrusion mount into the extrusion or clip it on. I really hope you like the design and find it useful. If you feel like tipping (thanks in advance), <b>rather than clicking the "Tip Designer" button, PLEASE donate to UKRAINE (or any other people in need)</b>. These people will need any help they can get (a lot more than I do)! THANKS!! <H3>HOPE YOU LIKE THEM, AND IF YOU LIKE THEM, PLEASE LIKE THEM. THANKS!</H3> <H3>Enjoy and happy printing!</H3> <b>Caveat</b> Remember, whenever dealing with electricity and high voltage to make sure that you absolutely know what you are doing.