Toothpaste tube squeezer (pip)

Toothpaste tube squeezer (pip)


This is a tube squeezer to roll up (almost empty tubes) to extract the very last residual amount that is going to be wasted otherwise. I know the concept isn't new. However, I designed it totally on my own and in my way of construction. A big plus is its ability to be printed in place with only little amount of support. And the fact I can easily derive various sizes from my file if desired. I uploaded two versions. One for tubes with max edge length of 60 mm which I already printed myself and works great and 80 mm that I didn't print myself so far. Still, there should be no problems because of parametric conctruction. However, If you do observe any difficulties please let me know. In order to easily get rid off the excess support after printing I recommend some printing settings that worked for me perfectly (on Anycubic i3 mega): Use conical support or tree shaped support Set support angle to around 65% to make sure support isn't printed around the roller which makes it difficult to be pulled out through bottom opening Enable support on plate only







