Baofeng Locking Volume Knob
This is a complete knob replacement with a integrated locking mechanism. You simply pull up on the knob a little, rotate, then push back down into place. There are 5 teeth on the knob that slot into 10 holes on the seat. You will loose a little fine adjustment of course, but it should be difficult to accidentally adjust your volume. You could put a dab of heavy grease inside of the knob to help it stick a little. For assembly, you will need a dab of glue (I might recommend a little white craft glue), for the Locking Seat, then install the Locking Knob, then finally the Locking Pin (maybe another dab of glue). If you used craft glue, you should be able to adjust the seat so that it lines up with the off position. I had this printed on a resin printer, but you should be able to do it with a 0.4mm nozzle as well