Twilight Imperium Turn Tracker Totem

Twilight Imperium Turn Tracker Totem


Inspired by a Reddit thread where someone stole their poor daughter's Duplo bricks, I set out to come up with a clear time-saving way for everyone to always see what the rest of the round had in store. This is still a work in progress. Print a brick in each color that will be playing the game (or paint them I guess). Print the set of strategy-plates. During the strategy phase, insert the plate for the chosen strategy in the correct player's brick, and then stack the totem in the correct player order. You can either have the speaker maintain the totem centrally, or pass it around (and use it as an active-player indicator). After a player is done with their turn, their brick goes to the bottom of the totem. If they've played their strategy card, remove the plate from the brick. If they have passed, remove their brick from the totem. You can always at a glance see what players is active, who plays when, and what strategy cards haven't been played yet. Please keep in mind this is still a work in progress. Things I'm working on: - different way to attach plates, so they can be visible from multiple angles - slop/stickiness of the bricks, so they don't detach to easily (currently .35mm slop which is a little bit loose on low-quality for my Ender S1 Pro) - trying to think of a nice way to keep the order intact for the agenda phase (maybe there is a better way to indicate passing)



