Game of Life - Parts Box + Lid
We have the Game of Life boardgame from the 90s and the pieces were kept in a simple cardboard box with no lid. I made this box to keep the game pieces separate and contained. The box features a dovetail-type shape so the lid can slide on and off. The lid has a bump at the end to help keep it closed and a small indentation to give you some purchase when opening. The box has cutouts for the card and tokens to help with retrieval and has a hole under the cards to push them up so you can more easily get a card that is at the bottom. The box is sized to the approximate length of the cards (75mm) and has a depth of the approximate height of the Life Tokens (25mm). The widths of the sections are as follows: Cards: 55mm Life Tokens: 42mm Car Pieces: 25mm Family Pieces: 25mm I don't know if this box will hold game pieces for different versions of the game.