Wedjat 5x7 camera back

Wedjat 5x7 camera back


This is a back for a double dark slide film holder for W.Watson&Sons 5x7" camera (circa 1900). The camera has an original back for wooden holders for wet/dark plates. So I decided to make a back that can be used with standard Fidelity or Toyo film holders. I am not sure this back can fit any 5x7 view cameras for plates (please leave your comments with your camera name if it's different from mine). The main frame size is 223x223x6.3mm, which can be used for landscape and portrait orientation. You will need the following: • Ground glass and Fresnel lens • M3 6 mm button head bolts (x12) • M3 12mm button head bolts (x4) • 4mm diam rods, 20mm length (x4) • Tempered steel spring strip 0.5x10x200mm (x2) • 1mm-thick self-adhesive foam (same as camera light seal foam). The spring can be rounded at one end but left open at the other to give the ground glass frame rise up and take the film holder. The back has two guide channels for foam for a better light seal when the DDS is inserted.






