Travel Battleship Game
This is my version of a portable “Battleship” Game. All my travel games have the same size. That makes them easily stackable. They are small enough to put them in your backpack etc. Because of the design you can play these games in a car, train or plane while traveling. (you don't have to charge a battery for it…. ;-) ) I reduced the playing field from the customary 10 by 10 to 8 by 8 for size reasons. I printed the larger parts (bottom, lid) with 0.2 mm layer in PLA. The smaller parts (latch and game pieces) with 0.1 mm layer also in PLA. Of course to be able to play the game you need to print two complete sets. The bottom is printed with a color change for the last few layers to make the coordinate lettering better visible. The lid has been designed in such way that it is easily taken off to use as a tray. It is best to glue the clamp/latch to the lid. You can use pieces of filament for the hinge. Probably you have to ream the holes with a 1.8 mm drill and you have to sand the hinge areas a bit for smooth operation. The tolerances are tight. You have to print the game pieces (hit and miss markers) 64 times with a color change in the middle so you can identify a hit or miss by turning around the piece. Of course you can also print 16 pieces each in one and the rest 48 pieces in another color. It is also up to you if you really want to be able to shoot 64 times or limit the game to less shots. That will save you the printing of some pieces. Which piece you use for your own and which for your opponents hits and misses does not matter. You can print as many ships as you like. Because of the limitation of 64 fields I printed one carrier (size 4), 2 cruisers (size 3) and 3 destroyers (size 2). These numbers are in the gcode for “ships”. You could also print a seamine. I added two. My rule for a seaminess is as follows: A seamine occupies one square and is placed on the board in the same manner as the ships. When a player's guess hits a mine on an opponent's board it destroys anything in that square and the 8 immediately surrounding squares for both players! So place your mine(s) far enough away from your own ships! For the “official” rules see: When you print this design, please post it.