Cursed City Storage Trays
Want to fit all of the minis that come with Cursed City back whence they came? Look no further! It is possible, but it's a bit of a fiddle! To get everything to fit with my set i printed; 50mm Big bat tray and clip 2 sets 40mm tray and clip 3 sets 32mm by 2 tray and clip 1 set of 32mm by 3 tray and clip (for the rats) 4 sets of 25mm by 4 tray and clip 1 set of 25mm by 3 tray and clip The design allows you to slot trays in and out of the box with the minis held horizontal in the clips. Kind of like a cassette. Once printed i used cardboard and hot glue to add walls to the nooks the minis fit in and with a bit of storage tetris i found a configuration that worked. I decided to store the token in zip lock baggies and the room tiles just loose in the space available. Any questions just let me know.